Hundreds of people flock to our area to participate in the numerous Snowmobile Poker Derbies that take you on a journey through our scenic landscape. The Swan Valley is recognized as one of the best places in Canada to attend poker derbies by riding your horse, snowmobile, or ATV (quads).
Poker Derbies are sponsored by a variety of organizations and clubs from different communities throughout the Valley as fund raisers. As the word “Poker” would imply, you get to purchase playing card hands and draw from a deck or pick numbered chips; trying to achieve the highest poker hand or highest chip total. The prize money is based on the number of registered participants. Riders take along a picnic lunch or stop at the warm up shacks along the way for a bowl of chili and some story telling. We have over 550 miles of trails to experience taking you through the Duck Mountains, Porcupine Forest and surrounding municipalities. Poker Derbies are family fun and a great way to explore and experience the vast outdoors and back country. You can find a list of poker derbies to attend on the events calendar sheet in this guide.