Shaker City Disc Golf Course
The Shaker City Disc Golf Course, Benito MB opened July 20th, 2013. It is a free, 9-hole course that is open all year round.
To check out upcoming events like: league nights, tag nights or tournaments, check out the Shaker City Disc Golf Facebook Page. The Facebook page is also a great way to get connected with those players who play regularly. If you are interested in purchasing your own discs or have questions about the course feel free to contact Scott Beehler with Shaker City Disc Golf Supply at 204 539 2957 or 204 281 3645.
Shake it up with Shaker City Disc Golf
The season usually starts as soon as the snow melts and goes until the snow flies. It is located in Benito, Manitoba on 4th Avenue (Just East of Benito School and to the North of the Benito Primary Care Centre). Disc Golf is a fun event for all ages. Any disc (frisbee) will work. The course is owned and maintained by the Village of Benito. A team of volunteers contribute to course design, improvements, and event planning.
The course has benches, trash and recycling receptacles available. There is a portable washroom facility available near the basket for hole 5. Cell phone service at the course is spotty. Those interested in borrowing discs can borrow them from the town office in Benito (126 Main St.) during business hours. A small deposit is required and it is returned once the discs are returned. The office also has the course map and score cards available.