Fall/Spring Suppers & Fish Fry’s
There is no better way to welcome spring than taking a leisurely Sunday drive followed by a hearty home cooked Spring Supper and madefrom-scratch dessert! Along with the local Spring Suppers in the Valley, the perogy and sausage suppers are among the favourites with local ladies working many hours making the multiple different kinds of perogies which are served with the locally produced bison and/or pork sausages. Community Fish fry’s and Fundraisers are a way to get out of the house in early spring
and enjoy “all the walleye you can eat” – Shore Lunch Style, often with all the fixings and more. Guests often enjoy the night with games of chance, auctions and entertainment. Fall is the time of abundance. A time to break bread with your neighbours and share stories from a busy Valley summer in the field. You can find a Fall supper in almost every community in the Valley usually held in the community hall. To find out when and where check out The Calendar in this Tourism Guide.