Swan Valley Manitoba Champions the Community Spirit.
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The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #39
Our Branch #39 is very easily found on 6th Avenue North in Swan River. Our members work hard to keep our Clubroom up to date, active and welcoming for our Veterans and guests.
Visit Us On Face BookWe welcome you to come and visit, take some time to ponder the photo gallery, the murals, and memorabilia that has been gathered! Ask questions, make comments and stay for a while. We are a licensed premises so we can offer a beverage of your choice, some snacks, a game of crib and great conversation! We do fund raise through our VLT’s, weekly bingo, weekly Meat Draw and weekly Chase the Ace along with entertainment, dances, great steak nights and a superb fall Fish Fry! We have been working hard to do some upgrades to our kitchen! Come in and check it out. Our Clubroom is open at 11:00am from Monday through Saturday. We can be reached at 204-734-3096 or email srlegion@mymtsmnet. S:I Check us out on Facebook!

The Kinsmen Club
The Kinsmen Club contributes well over a thousand man hours giving back to our communities including our own fundraisers as well as supporting other worthwhile causes.
We donate tens of thousands of dollars back into the community each and every year. We ourselves generate close to $100,000 of revenue each year through our own fundraising events – all of which eventually winds up given back to the Swan River Valley through various causes:
- Taylor School Playground Project
- SVRSS Geography Trip
- Swan Valley Animal Protection League
The Kinsmen Club supports countless community events, projects, fundraisers, such as:
- Kinsmen Nursery School
- Poker Derby
- Bowsman Daycare
- SVRSS Soccer Provincials
- MWCR Soccer
- Basketball

The Swan River Elks
The Swan River Elks are proud to support our local youth and community. The Elks Hall is a busy hall that is rented for so many local events and fundraisers.

Tree Lighting
Each year the Elks partner with the Chamber of Commerce Tree Lighting kicking off the Christmas season.
Swan River Royal Purple Elks Lodge is an active group of ladies who participate in raising funds to support our community. Their current project is establishing
Bocce Ball Courts in the Swan River Legion Park. The courts will be available for community recreational use and will allow Special Olympics and other organizations to host regional and provincial competitions.

Swan River Lions Club
The Swan River Lions Club started in 1960. The Swan River Lions sponsored the Bowsman and District Lions Club in 1984. The Bowsman Club sponsored the Minitonas and District Lions Club in 1994. All clubs support many things in their own communities and we join together and operate larger projects for joint sponsorship of some very large projects. There are many examples in the Valley of where the Lions money has been spent.

The largest joint project that we have completed is the cataract surgery program that is run out of the Swan Valley Health Centre. It took 5 years to convince the provincial government that we needed it. $300,000 was spent on equipment. It saves local people the expense of having to go out of the Valley to get this procedure and brings many others to our Valley to get this service. The three clubs recently spent $70,000 on a portable incubator and Panda Warmer to help bring obstetrics and maternity services back to the Swan Valley Health Centre. We have also spent $18,000 to purchase 3 dialysis chairs. Bowsman has upgraded the heart monitor system at the hospital.

The Billy Beal Classic
is an ice fishing derby that has been run in March by the 3 clubs since 1997. All profits from the derby are deposited to the Swan Valley Medical Assistance fund to help defray the costs of medical treatment for people who need a little help. The fund has donated over

Halloween Party
The Bowsman Lions also host their annual Halloween Party every Oct. 31st at the Bowsman Legion Hall. There are prizes for costumes, a pumpkin carving contest, and door prizes as well as free drinks, hot dogs, and treats. They also host the annual Bowsman Community Christmas Party at the Bowsman Arena. If the weather permits there are free sleigh rides, skating, sliding, and a bonfire. There are also free drinks and hot dogs as well as treat bags from Santa Claus. Pine River Lions Club has an annual Mother’s Day Pancake Breakfast, donating funds to the SY Health Foundation.

“Service Above Self”
The motto of Rotary is “Service Above Self” and Rotarians of the Valley have demonstrated this in many ways. Early in Rotary’s history, membership was restricted to business and professional men; where today Rotary welcomes everyone as well as Corporation membership.

In the last 40 years, they have provided the first building for the Swan Valley Historical Society, the first Handi-Van, The Pathway for Active Living, Rotary Park, the Rotary Soccer Fields. Members of the Swan Valley Club have also joined with other Rotary Clubs in their District to provide safe drinking water, schools and multi-purpose kitchens in Africa and Asia since 1980. Rotary has contributed to Polio Plus which is a Rotary International program to eradicate polio throughout the world with the help of government and benefactors like Bill Gates. Rotary through the District has supported Youth Exchange Programs, Adventures in Citizenship, Technology and in Agriculture. Rotary presently, has provided financial assistance to Breakfast Program in the schools in Swan River & Minitonas, Swan Valley Animal Protection League, NW Regional Library and Free Public Skating in the arena.